Monday, March 19, 2012


If anyone asks me "What is the element of life?"
       I say'  RED'
If anyone asks me "What is the element of death?"
    I say 'RED'
If anyone asks me "What is the element between life and death?"
    I say 'RED'

RED is Love ,love brings life
RED runs inside you carrying the essence from one sense to other ,RED runs you run

RED is Rage ,Rage is what exist between life and death
Rage is the sole reason of your survival ,it makes you sustain in the world ,by revolting against injustices and struggling against hostile circumstances
Rage is the carrier of the soul which carries it across the world of injustices and wilderness of emotions from the end of life to the DEAD END

RED is fire ,which by vaporizing the RED inside you relieves the aching soul and grant bail at the denouement to the soul from the worldly bars  only to return back when once again RED is LOVE

Monday, January 30, 2012


Fear is the darkest thing I have ever known.It is wild,paralyzing,dark,monotonous,crazy and irrational.It is unreasonable if you ever try to find logic behind your fear your attempt will go in vain ..Believe me arguing with fear will burgeon the fear.

Fear is undebatable ,it is like a parasite,it has counter logic for your every logic,the more you will try to convince yourself that your fear is futile the more fear will convince you that I am worth it ,it will crawl all over your senses ,drawing out every bit of rationality you have ever known.And there will come a time when you will feel that all the doors has been shut and walls are closing in ,you will try to escape but in vain you have already made your fear unfathomable by debating with it

So the only way of getting an edge over your fear is to face it .A bit of logic and courage will do the magic.Running away from fear or arguing with it will do no good .Taking action against it open minded will drive the fear away.Although it depends upon the nature of fear and your psychology how much time will it take fear to  free your mind.So gear up and get ready to face your fear if you have one(everyone has one)and dont stop until your conscience is freed from the custody of fear.